By Andrea Ferrero,

Financial Literacy Day was celebrated on June 26th on Capitol Hill. Students, educators, finance education leaders, and policy makers came together to discuss the future of financial education. Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) kicked off the event sharing that “Financial literacy is important for today, tomorrow, and all our futures.” The energy of that message resonated through the afternoon as everyone explored the tremendous potential of finance education to spark change and transform lives.

As a board member of the California Jump$tart and the Executive Director of Pockets Change, I was drawn to the sense of collaboration. From students sharing the impact of finance education in their lives to organizations discussing how we can all advocate for greater access and application of resources, everyone shared that financial literacy impacts much more than our wallets. We change lives when we work together to build financial literacy and financial resilience.

Celebrating JumpStart Coalition Capitol

Celebrating Jump$tart Coalition’s impact across the country! Laura Levine CEO and President of National Jump$tart, Bill Cheeks Jump$tart Eastern States Regional Director, President ABBA Associates Inc., Executive Director of Coalition to improve Credit Education, and Andrea Ferrero California Jump$tart board member and Executive Director of Pockets Change